Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Update: Long Lasting Nailpolish

Monday I did a blogpost about the long lasting nailpolish which I was wearing. Guess what? I'm still wearing it! I was just thinking about removing it because it started to crackle and the outgrowth (?) is unacceptable (I'm not such a star at touch-ups and I get bored by colors quite fast). But then I decided to make an update with some pictures, showing you how it looks now (after about 1,5 week).

I didn't add any layers anymore. I didn't think it was necessary. Here are the pictures (close-ups, trying to show you the crackles and mini chips):

As you can see it starts to crackle + outgrowth (this is the only picture where you can see it).

The edges are slowly starting to come off. (outgrowth!!)

Mini chips only at the side.

From a bigger distance you can't really tell that there are chips.

A big hooray for this long lasting nailpolish :D

xoxo -Anna


  1. Wauw, wat een mooi lakje. Ik vind de naam van je blog onwijs leuk. Ik volg je nu meteen even. Hihi, zag net dat je de link had veranderd op de doorverwijspagina. Hihi. Ik ben je eerste volger, JEUJJ! Heb je ook bloglovin'? Ga ik je daar ook even op volgen.
    Liefs,x xxx

  2. Dankje! Nee, dat moet ik nog aanmaken, doe ik nu meteen even ;)


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