Friday, August 12, 2011

Nice Make-Up Looks By YouTubers


Sorry for the late post everyone! But I didn't plan a post, so I had to make it now and I just got home. So here it is! :) I picked a few YouTube videos for you. They're about make up looks which I like. Hope you like 'em!

This one is about how to create a Megan Fox look. I like her looks most of the time and I love how her eyes always seems to 'pop' out (I don't have blue eyes myself).

(Her foundation looks cakey on the pic) It's Kandee Johnson's Megan Fox Make-Up Look #1. So I suppose there's a number 2.

And check out this one! The blue is soooo lightening(?)!

Or this one. Arabic looks. I always love how the liner of Arabic women always look so intense.

xoxo -Anna

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